Monday, July 4, 2011

Paap - Punya

From the time a child is born s/he's taught about hell and heaven. If someone is doing good job- one is sent to heaven and for bad jobs to hell.
And closely assosiated with this is paap-punya. The good job goes to the account of punya and bad jobs accumulate as paap.
And there is a big kadhai full of hot oil, where you'll be fried for all your bad deeds.And you've the option of beautiful Urvashis for good jobs (what happens to the females?).
There was a big calender showing all these in my childhood.

If you think about every activity in life, it stops with some assosiation with "self".

If you put a shirt, do I look good?
If you cook, did I cook good?

Everything stops with "I & me".

The question of paap-punya is closely assosiated with this "I & me".
Everything that is interpreted and kept with a 'mass' along with that, there is long term impact - every moment of life it'll guide you.

Now comes the second part:

Have you ever thought of the experience, that in your birthdays you never find you've aged one more year.
And there is always a sense that I'm not going to die.
Deep inside this feeling is there, that I'm not aging and I'm not going to die.
There is something inside which knows that this is true - we're never born, not aging and never going to die.
I Am - always.

When you add one and two - the experiences one carries is of long time. Not vanished with the death of the body.
If the good jobs and bad jobs' experiences are not 'okayed" these'll go with the birth-deathless form and put a sheet of guilt or sin always.
You've got this life with this body to "okay" all these experiences.
Choice is yours - to accumulate or dissolve.

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