I got an article on consciousness and what I found really took me away - I'm pasting that, hopefully something new is available for you also:
One is now on the threshold of the fifth level: Nothing ever happened. It is all a dream, a universal dream. This universal dream is Maya or Divine Hypnosis that has us all spellbound into thinking that all that we see in the waking state is real. Just as a master hypnotist can make a group of people believe whatever he suggests, so can the Divine Hypnotist have us believe that the waking world is real, just like a movie that we see in the theater appears to be real.
The shadow is real because it can be seen. It is unreal because it has no independent existence. The manifestation is real because it can be observed. It is unreal because it has no independent existence of its own. It is merely a reflection of the Consciousness within itself. In this level the understanding is that Consciousness is all there is. Consciousness has scripted the movie, produced the movie, is playing all the characters, is witnessing and experiencing the movie and the movie is happening on the screen of Consciousness.
This movie is already made, is already there, already complete for all time and cannot be changed. It is only unfolding frame by frame on the screen of time and space. If your role in the movie is to think "I have free choice" then so shall it be. If your role is that of a 'protector' or a 'serial killer', then so shall it be. And if your role is to accept that "I am only a mind-body organism programmed and destined with no free choice or will and that everything is God's will", then so shall it be. The only thing is that a character who has realized he's only a character does not care any more for enlightenment or freedom.