Monday, March 8, 2010


From the time I can read newspaper, I remember one common topic that is reported again and again – sex and swamy.

The very first one I can remember is Osho – I was small at that time when he died. And the newspapers would provide all the news of him – what and hows of his ashrams. The name of his one book (I think most of the people know the name of the book and they don’t even care whether there is any other book or not) is the main attraction and it’s not necessary to read or understand before making a remark on that book. Very frankly by the time I entered college I never read about his books – and there were few students who believed in his thoughts in our hostels. I was very clear about one thing – they’re not the right people. And in my world I was not interested to know about these people.

Osho’s picture for me was his “golden taps” – how bad he’s I could easily guess from his taps.

Now came the time when I started reading, listening to Osho’s thoughts – and I’m floored by that – what an extraordinary person one can be !

And everything he said made a new world available to me – my life got a new opening to think and listen from a different perspective. And whatever you tell – whatever stories you can throw to demean this person – it’ll never change the high place for him.

In the process I started reading and listening to another swami – his newsletters and youtube videos shattered my world of thinking and pushed me further to think beyond what I could.

And see the paradox of life – now he’s the new attraction for sex drama. I hope all of guessed by this time who this person is.

Now the very fundamental question that I’m asking myself – why is it taboo in our country that our swamis can’t indulge in activities which is natural and I don’t know anyone who is showing anger not indulged into those activities.

Swami’s can’t have non-veg, they can’t stay in a five-star ashram, they can’t have sex and the list goes on.

This is where we’ve degraded ourselves by promoting swami’s more than what you and I are – they’re the very same. Only thing is I and you don’t take any responsibility of life and hide behind those people – and when we see that they’re same human as we’re , we can’t accept that too.