Friday, June 24, 2011

Meditation: Medication through attention

Medication is required in case of diseases : when you're at real dis-ease. And at that moment comes the doctor with his known arsenal of syringe and/or jari butiya.
After a few days of the course you're out of the ailment.
Now in this situation you know when you're going through ailment and require the doctor.
Have you thought of a situation when you don't know that there is some dis-ease and it's killing you.
Example sir pls ..... okay :

Ideal Weight (something like BMI you already know)
Money (Not enough what I've, something more will be nice)
Friendship (I can depend on him/her, that person is not worth of friendship)
Career (Need to excel, promotion, salary)

I don't need to explain on any of these - someday somewhere you know about these diseases, and that's where meditation comes into picture.
Attention is what is missing - when you don't even know about the diseases.

So attention will expose the ailments and when the exposure happens, the devil (though not a devil, I don't have a better word for it - it's your best friend till your attention is missing) dies.
When the death starts one after another, life is awesome - simply a joy.

Enjoy your life - through medication of attention.