Monday, May 4, 2009

Being a citizen

It is early morning on 30th April,2009 - and my wife is asking me to get up early at 7am though it's a holiday as it's a V-day.
And we're ready to get out of house @7:30, keeping our 6year old son sleeping.
We both go to the polling center and see a big queue. And my wife starts grumbling that we should have come before 7 only to make sure that it does not take long for us to cast our votes.
And to our surprise our queue is the longest one.
Now we're standing there for half an hour and hardly there is any movement. At around 8:15 one fellow comes out shouting that it'll take the whole day to move the line.Seriously it was looking that the movement is too slow. My wife is also getting tempted - whether we can get back early so that she can catch our maid. She suggests if this is the same she'll go back now and come back later, while I can be there and cast the vote. Also the concern is if we she comes too late, she may find that someone has already exercised her right.
Any how I tell my wife we'll be done by 8:30 - don't worry about that. Suddenly there is a movement in the queue and things start moving very fast. Someone informs that there was a lady - and her concern took more than 30min to get resolved -now everything should be ok.
Next 5 mins we're in the room - we show our voting slips along with the identity card.

AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I PRESS THE VOTING BUTTON. At last, I also say who should be elected.
So this time my father can't say that we're not putting our right into action.


Corinne Rodrigues said...

Hi Indrajit - Thanks for dropping by on my blog. Yours is good too - very personal. Do add a 'follower' gadget to make it easier for your readers.

Indrajit Sensarma said...

Thanks Corinne for your comment and suggestion - I've now added the follower section.